Friends of the TT Riders Association
Are you a T.T. enthusiast, but have never ridden in the T.T.?
Join the "Friends of the T.T.R.A." today.
The Friends is an exclusive membership club for the
real TT enthusiast. For more details on joining, please click on the Join the Friends of the TTRA link on the left menu.
See also: • FoTTRA News
Just click on the following link: The FoTTRA Facebook Page
"We have very kindly been chosen as one of the recipients of donations for items sold on the following website, owned by a Manxman now operating in England.
We thank Leigh for his very kind gesture & he tells us more TT items will be added shortly so please keep checking the website".
What is the FoTTRA?

Start of 1922 TT Race
Membership of ‘The Friends of the TT Riders Association’ is offered as a lifetime recognition of their value to the TTRA, a TTRA member or the event itself.
[Read more on the Friends history...]
Famous quotes
Here one learns some of the basic truths of human experience, of human struggle and rivalry, of exultancy and despondency.
Here one learns the incredible facts of human nature, of grit and ambition, of subtlety and cunning, of wisdom and folly, jealously, duplicity and all the flames of human passion.
It is here that one discovers men whose word is their bond, where character shines under disappointment and disillusionment.
Here one sees the lone hand earnestly pursuing the road to fame - the diehards too, seeking for honours still.
Here one sees the big business at work with all its might."
Gilbert Smith, MD of Norton circa 1935